Roche Cobas E411 Fully Automated Immunoassay Analyzer

The cobas e 411 analyzer is a fully automated analyzer that uses a patented ElectroChemiLuminescence (ECL) technology for immunoassay analysis. It is designed for both quantitative and qualitative in vitro assay determinations for a broad range of applications (including anemia; bone, cardiac and tumor markers; critical care; fertility/hormones; and infectious diseases). The analyzer is available as a rack or disk sample handling system.

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Roche Cobas E411 Immunoassay Analyzer


One cobas E411 analyzer with computer, software, bench, and manual.


The cobas e 411 analyzer is a fully automated analyzer that uses a patented ElectroChemiLuminescence (ECL) technology for immunoassay analysis. It is designed for both quantitative and qualitative in vitro assay determinations for a broad range of applications (including anemia; bone, cardiac and tumor markers; critical care; fertility/hormones; and infectious diseases). The analyzer is available as a rack or disk sample handling system.

Additional information

Weight 400 lbs


  • High sensitivity, reliability, and reproducibility of results due to ECL technology
  • More than 100 assays available1
  • Up to 18 assays can be run at a throughput of up to 86 tests/h2
  • 9 min STAT applications for emergency sample assays (incl. TnT Gen. 5, Creatine-Kinase MB, Myoglobin, Parathyroid Hormone (PTH), and human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)1



System Fully automated, immunoassay analyzer for random access processing of ECL-based immunoassays (cobas e system format)
System components Self contained bench top analyzer comprising an analytical unit and a customized user interface
Types of modules  cobas e 411 disk analyzer

 cobas e 411 rack analyzer

Optional System Table (cabinet); Optional System Table Extension (for printer)

System interfaces RS232 serial interface, bidirectional
Throughput Up to 86 tests/hour
Number of reagent channels 25 reagent slots with a maximum of 18 on-board assays
Programmable test parameters N/A, programming-by-loading (PBT) concept, application data are transferred without operator intervention from the 2D barcode of the reagent pack (RP) into the instrument database
Sample materials Serum/plasma, urine, others
Sample input/output  30 positions for samples, calibrators and controls

 15 racks with 5 samples each (= 75 samples in/out)

Sample volume 10 – 50 μl.
Sample clot detection Standard (pressure sensor)
Sample barcode types Code 128; Codabar (NW 7); Interleaved 2 of 5; Code 39
Control unit Microsoft® Windows® XP-based panel PC
Calibrator/QC input cobas e system-specific barcoded CalSet vials on disk or racks
Calibration methods Lot calibration (L-cal); Reagent Pack (RP) calibration (R-Cal)
QC methods  Individual QC and cumulative QC

 Up to 100 controls pre-programmable

Data storage capacity The memory contains data files necessary for the analyzer and software to work together:

 Reagent Data File: Up to 300 reagent packs

 Sample Data File: Up to 2000 test records (for samples and controls)

 Calibration Data File: Up to 160 calibrators – QC Data File: Capacity up to 100 controls

 Operating Parameter Data File: Up to 305 reagent applications

 Up to 20 operator IDs

Electrical requirements  230/110 Volts AC; 1,000 kVA (disk), 1,250 kVA (rack)

 Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz +/- 0.5%

Water/Waste requirements  Water: Bacteria free, de-ionized water supply, resistance of less than 10 μS/cm

 Liquid waste: Onboard waste container (4 liter), direct drain optional

Operating conditions  Ambient temperature: 18 to 32°C

 Ambient humidity: 20 to 80% RH (without condensation)

 Heat Output: 2,879 kJ/hr (analyzer unit)

 Noise Output: 60 dBA (stand-by), 63 dBA (operation avg.)

Physical dimensions  Width (disk/rack): 120 cm / 170 cm 47.2 in / 67 in

 Depth (disk/rack): 73 cm / 95 cm 28.7 in / 37.4 in

 Height: 80 cm / 31.4 in (closed top cover) 109 cm / 43 in (opened top cover)

Weight  Disk: 180 kg / 397 lbs

 Rack: 250 kg / 551 lbs

Test Menu

Elecsys® ACTH Elecsys® Anti-TPO Elecsys® Cyclosporine Elecsys HBeAg
Elecsys® AFP Elecsys® Anti-TSHR Elecsys® CYFRA 21-1 Elecsy HBsAg Confirmatory Test
Elecsys® AMH Elecsys® C-Peptide Elecsys® DHEA-S Elecsys HBsAg II
Elecsys® Anti-CCP Elecsys® CA 125 II Elecsys® Digoxin Elecsys CG STAT
Elecsys® Anti-HAV Elecsys® CA 15-3 II Elecsys® Estradiol III Elecsys CG+
Elecsys® Anti-HAV IgM Elecsys® CA 19-9 Elecsys® Ferritin Elecsys HE4
Elecsys® Anti-HBc IgM Elecsys® Calcitonin Elecsys® Folate III Elecsys hGH
Elecsys® Anti-HBc II Elecsys® CEA Elecsys® Folate RBC Elecsys HSV-1 IgG
Elecsys® Anti-HBe Elecsys® CK-MB Elecsys® free PSA Elecsys HSV-2 IgG
Elecsys® Anti-HCV II Elecsys® CMV IgG Elecsys® free βhCG Elecsys IgE II
Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S Elecsys® CMV IgM Elecsys® FSH Elecsys IGF-1
Elecsys® Anti-Tg Elecsys® Cortisol II Elecsys® FT3 III Elecsys IGFBP-3
Elecsys® IL-6 Elecsys Prolactin II Elecsys® Tacrolimus
Elecsys® Insulin Elecsys PTH Elecsys® Testosterone II
Elecsys® LH Elecsys Rubella IgG Elecsys® total PSA
Elecsys® Myoglobin Elecsys Rubella IgM Elecsys® Total-Tau CSF
Elecsys® N-MID Osteocalcin Elecsys S100 Elecsys® Toxo IgG
Elecsys® NSE Elecsys SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Elecsys® Toxo IgM
Elecsys® PAPP-A Elecsys sFlt-1 Elecsys® Troponin I
Elecsys® Phospho-Tau (181P) CSF Elecsys SHBG Elecsys® TSH
Elecsys® PlGF Elecsys Syphilis Elecsys® Vitamin B12 II
Elecsys® proBNP II Elecsys T-Uptake Elecsys® Vitamin D total II
Elecsys® Progesterone III Elecsys T3 Elecsys® β-CrossLaps/serum
Elecsys® ProGRP Elecsys T4
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