Roche Cobas c111 Chemistry Analyzer

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The cobas c 111 analyzer is the smallest member of Roche’s cobas platform family. It offers laboratories receiving up to 50 samples/day a compact solution for clinical chemistry, electrolyte and homogeneous immunoassay testing. The system is designed to fulfill the important needs of integrated laboratory networks serving outpatient and emergency laboratories, as well as private laboratories serving primary care physicians. The Roche Cobas c 111 Chemistry Analyzer is perfectly suited as a main analyzer in small labs, private labs, and satellite labs in larger lab networks. It serves as a backup analyzer for larger cobas clinical chemistry analyzers including the cobas 4000 analyzer series.

Additional information



Discrete, fully-selective system for clinical chemistry, ISE
Test throughput-
60-85 photometric tests/hr
180 ISE tests/hr
60-100 tests/hr photometric and ISE mixed
Physical dimensions:
(with ISE)
Width: 590 mm (720 mm)
Depth: 550 mm (550 mm)
Height: 480 mm (480 mm)
Weight: 32.3 kg (35 kg)

Test Menu

Metabolic Hepatology Cardiac
Bicarbonate (CO2) Alkaline phosphatase (IFCC) Cholesterol
Calcium ALT/GPT without Pyp Creatinin Kinase (CK)
Chloride Ammonia CK-MB
Glucose AST/GOT with Pyp CRP hs
HbA1c (hemolysate) AST/GOT without Pyp D-Dimer
HbA1c (whole blood) Bilirubin – direct HDL Cholesterol direct
Lactate Bilirubin – total Homocysteine
LDL Cholesterol direct Gamma Glutamyl Transferase LDL Cholesterol direct
Magnesium Lactate Dehydrogenase
Sodium Anemia Bone
Total Protein Iron Phosphorus
Triglycerides Lactate Dehydrogenase
Coagulation Renal Infectious Diseases
D-Dimer Albumin BCG CRP (Latex)
Endocrinology Albumin immunologic Inflammation
Amylase – pancreatic Creatinin (enzymatic) CRP (Latex)
Amylase – total Creatinin (Jaffe)
Lipase Urea/BUN
Uric acid
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