Horiba ABX Micros 60 Hematology Analyzer

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Horiba ABX Micros 60 Hematology Analyzer


– Pick Up Tubes

– Tube Holder Block

– Barcode Reader

– Operators Manual

– Power Adapter


The Horiba ABX Micros 60 +lite Database Manager has a simple and efficient design that is easy-to-use. Its intuitive software navigation with window icons require minimal training. It has a small foot print with uses a minimal amount of counter space. Open and closed tube sampling is available to fit your current laboratory protocol.



  •  Impedance technology, photometry
  •  Micro-sampling: Only 10 µL
  •  Smart card based memory storage (optional)
  •  ABX Micros 60 Concept And Technology
  •  Measurement methods: Impedance technology, photometry.
  •  Liquid valves (without pinching): Reliability and increased precision
  •  No compressor (stepper motor): less maintenance and noise



Weight 31 lbs
Power supply 90/240 V – 50/60 Hz – 230 VA.
Dimensions 16.5 in x 14 x 12.5 in (HxWxD).
Throughout 60 samples/hour (on open tube)
55 samples/hour (closed tube)
Data management Automated smart cards used for QC and patient data storage.
RS 232 output.
Uni-directional connection.
Memory Last result (with curves) or 78 results (smart card based memory)
Screen 2 lines of 40 alphanumerical characters.
Keyboard Barcode reader (optional).



60 samples/hour (open tube)
Parameters CBC Mode (16 parameters): WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, RDW, MCH, MCHC, PLT, MPV, % and # of LYM, MON and GRA
Graphics LMG histogram, RBC, PLT histograms
Sample-Volume CBC mode: 10 µL
Stability 24 hours (CBC)
Operating         mode Open tube mode with 4 position tube holder (Cal, 125 or 500 µL, 3 or 5 mL)
Identification Patient I.D., Sequence#
Flags Pathological flags (WBC, RBC, and PLT) normal limits and counting failure flags


Parameters Precision (cv %) Linearity
WBC < 2,5% 0-100 x 10³/mm3
RBC < 2% 0-8 x 106/mm3
HGB < 1.5% 0-26 g/dl
HCT < 2% 0-80%
PLT (whole blood) < 5% 0-2200 x 10³/mm3
PLT (PLT concentrate) < 5% 0-4000 x 10³/mm3

Test Menu











LYM(% and #)

MON(% and #)

GRA(% and #)



PLT Histograms


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