Awareness Technology Chem Well 2910 Chemistry Analyzer

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Programmable Open System

The Awareness Technologies ChemWell 2910 Automated EIA and Chemistry Analyzer is a fully automated system that runs both enzyme immunoassays and general chemistries in standard microwells. Its intuitive design allows the user to easily set up assays, perform routine jobs, quality control and index calculations to meet the demands of any modern laboratory.

 With a completely open system that is simple to program, the ChemWell 2910 washes volumes, increases the number of washes, and even directs the probe to pick up and dispense a probe cleaning solution after each specimen. For added security, a password can be set.

Additional information



  • PC-controlled fully automated ELISA/biochemistry Analyzer

  • Automated programmable capabilities: reagent dispensing,    pre-dilutions, timed incubation & colorimetric reading, mixing, washing

  • Processes endpoint or kinetic reactions in ELISA microwell plates

  • 4 channel optical system, 8 filter wheel (340-750 nm) Customizable filter wavelengths available

  • Plate/Well Integrated thermostat 25°C, 37°C, ambient

  • Reactions take place in standard plastic microwells/strips

  • Applications in clinical and veterinary testing; environmental testing, analysis of food and water; and life science research

  • QC Tracking SW enables controls and calibrators to be tracked using Levey-Jennings graph


Typical throughput up to 200 endpoint reactions per hour, up to 170 kinetic reactions per hour
Dimensions 36.25 (92.1cm) left to right, 18.75 (47.6 cm) height, 21.5 (54.6 cm) front-to-back

Approximate weight 100 lbs (45kg)

Capabilities Dilution, pre-dilution, dispensing single or multiple reagents
Probes 316 stainless steel for maximum reagent compatibility, level sensing
Maximum number of specimens 96
Maximum number of reagents Typically 27 to 44 or more (you can program reagents to go in the sample rack;

assorted replaceable racks and custom designed racks are available for various bottle sizes)

Standard reagent rack 27
Reaction Vessel Standard micro wells, strips or plates
Instrument bottles 2L wash with low volume warning sensor, 1L rinse (or second wash) with low volume warning sensor,

2L waste bottle with full sensor. 1L priming bottle

EIA Mode Incubation timing is software controlled; set each row of 8 to time separately

or time the whole plate together.

Thermal control Well, probe, and tubing; ambient or 37C (other options also available)
Reagant cooling RCA, Reagent Cooling Accessory optional) cools 12 to 15C below ambient through peltier

thermoelectric modules connected to an external controller

Wash head 8-probe, automatic prime and rinse
Programs Create and run user programmable protocols, aspirate, dispense, soak, mix…
Optical design Reads absorbance in 4 simultaneous channels, NIST traceable calibration user

selected monochromatic or biochromatic results 8 position filter wheels:

340, 405, 450, 505, 545, 600, 630, 700 or custom

Interference filters Long life, hard coat, ion assisted deposition, 10nm typical half bandpass
Linear Range -0.2 to 3.0A
Photometer Accuracy +/- 1% or better
Certifications NRTL Listed, CE Marked


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