Shimadzu LCMS-8030 Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS/MS)



The LCMS-8030 combines world-leading LC performance with advanced mass spectrometry technologies to create a unique system approach to ultra fast mass spectrometry detection.

Utilizing patented technology, the LCMS-8030 features ultrafast multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions, ultrafast mass spectrum measurement speeds, and ultrafast polarity switching to deliver the ultimate in laboratory efficiency. Coupled with high reliability and an array of user-friendly features, the LCMS-8030 is truly the next generation of triple quadrupole mass spectrometry



– Fastest multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transition times available today (dwell times of 1msec and pause times of 1msec) utilizing patented UFsweeper® technology, which accelerates ions out of the collision cell by forming a pseudo-potential surface


– High-speed multi-analyte detection with 500 MRM transitions in one second

– Unsurpassed polarity switching speed (15 msec)

Additional information



Resolution:                                 < 0.7 fwhm 0.7=””>

Scanning Speed:                         15,000 u/sec (max)

Type:                                        Triple Quadrupole LCMS

Ionization Method(s):                 ESI, APCI, DUIS

Mass Range:                              10 to 2000 m/z